Secure Email & File Transfer
Send Us A Secure Encrypted Email
Email has become the preferred and dominant method of corporate communication. However, email isn't a private conversation - it's easy for others to intercept and read. To ensure your confidentiality and safety of private information please use our email encryption service through Zix Corporation, the leader in email encryption services.
This easy-to-use email protection is a simple way for you to receive, read and reply to all encrypted email communication we send you.
Receiving Encrypted Email
When we send you an encrypted message, you receive a notification email with instructions on how to open the message. The notification message arrives in your email Inbox. You select Open Message in the notification to go to the Secure Message Center and view your email.

You will go through a one-time registration process.

After you register and sign in, your message opens and you can view the message details and reply.

Sending Encrypted Email
You can send an encrypted email to recipients at our organization from the Compose tab within the Secure Message Center. When you select the Compose tab you are taken to a page where you can compose your message.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Internet browsers are recommended:
Most Internet browsers will work, including Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari.
What mobile devices can be used?
Any mobile device - Apple iPhone and iPad, Android devices and Blackberry devices.
How long do I have to read my messages?
Messages you receive expire 30 days from the day they were sent.
Where can I get more information?
For more information on any of the products described, visit the ZixCorp website.
For additional help reading your messages, please access the online help within the Secure Email Message Center.